Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 3!

So i´m in my third week! wow this is going by fast. In like 1 week i´m going to be doing my volunteer site visit! that´s just crazy!
K, sad thing, i totally forget the really funny story i was going to tell in my last blog. hahaha, typical huh. no worries, i´m sure it wouldn´t have been nearly as funny for you all to read as it was for me. But lots has happened since my last post. I am totally loving my new family, not that i didn´t totally love the last one as well, and i still talk to my sister from my other family so that is great :) But yes, things are going well at home, i am starting to wonder how much weight i am going to gain considering 75% of my meals are fried, hahaha. gotta love that. at least i get fruit for breakfast everyday, which i totally love! And i went on a hike with some of my fellow aspirantes that live in the surrounding pueblos. we hiked all the way down to Laguna de Apoyo. OMG was that long, it took us 30 min to get down there, and it is one steep hike, and a good hour and 20 min to get up. I thought i was going to lose my legs they were so tired. But i´m totally stoked b-c i learned that there is a place to rent kayaks on the laguna!!!!!!!!! A friend and i are hoping to go soon! Oh i miss kayaking soo much. And the laguna is beautiful. Crystal clear and deep blue. Its really deep too, but calm and beautiful. After the hike, we went to the Mirador in Catarina, which is a huge tourist spot and i totally understand why. You can see the city of Granada from the mirador and lake nicaragua! It´s amazing! The three days of body pains is totally worth the swim in the lake. It was so refreshing! And i definately recommend that if you come to visit me you have to see this!
We also had our first meeting with our grupo de jóvenes last night. oh the joy, actually it was fun. we made a community map and talked about this saturday when we get to make our Vivero! Going to be soo exciting, i can´t wait! We had all the kids volunteer to bring tools, i couldn´t believe how many kids were like, i´ll bring a machete! I was just standing there thinking, guess its better you than me considering i have never even held one of those things before! Guess that will be changing soon tho! Wish me luck b-c next week i am giving my first charla to a classroom in the elementary school! ahhhhhhh i hardly feel like i am capable of doing that, but i guess i´ll find out soon. Well i think we are going to go get some icecream tonight! which i am totally stoked about!
hope you are all doing well and enjoying the beginning of fall! the weather is still the same here, hotter than you can imagine or cool and rainy. Keep up the comments, i love them!!


Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie. It sounds like your having a great time! Just thought I'd let you in on some news here: Chelsea is engaged (I didn't know until my sister saw it on my facebook)!!, I got a job downtown in childcare with infants again, and I'm going back to school (with tuition paid). Umm... I think that is all here for now. If I think of more I'll let you know. Geoff says hi! Love you lots and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis, Sounds like great adventures!!! I saw some stuff on Granada on the internet and thought it looked real pretty and a nice place to visit..Will you be close to it in your permanent placement? I know you will do a great job with your lesson at school, you have always done well up here:) People ask about you all the time:) We miss you, Love Mom