Friday, October 19, 2007

Sweet Recovery

Well i am doing better, thank you all for the concern and support. it was hard being so far away from home, all i wanted was my confy bed (which i then realized that i sold it before i left, so even if i was home i wouldn´t have lol) but i´m doing well. going through the motions. i taught on thursday, horrible time managment, but i am learning, and it is a process. it´s called training for a reason i suppose. And i find out my site on this coming wednesday! we are all so nervous and excited. keep your fingers crossed for me guys!


Anonymous said...

Sis, so glad to hear you are feeling better:) You know you have been in our thoughts and prayers!!!I hope you get the placement you want. Let us know as soon as you find out. WE love and miss you!!!
Keep your chin up!!!! The teaching stuff will get easier and you will learn to manage the time, it just takes a little time. Sometimes I still don't plan it all out so well.....LOve you- Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Emy,
I am so glad you are feeling better. Nothing like some worm eggs and parasites, etc. to get you feeling crummy,huh? lol.
I am putting out the good vibes for you to get the placement you want. After all you have been through lately it would be a nice treat, right?
Anyway, have a good week and I'll talk to you soon!
Aunt Nancy

Sam said...

WORM EGGS!?! This place sounds like another planet! Though, I suppose it really is a world away from life stateside.

I'm really interested in how the healthcare went for you. Is it public? Did you have to pay anything? Did the doctors seem qualified?

Anyway, glad to hear you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Ok Emy, I am getting a little worried about you, haven't heard from you since 10/16 ! Are you ok, are you still sick? Please, please let us know!

We love you! and miss you !

Aunt Nancy and Kathy

Anonymous said...

People should read this.